She Doesn't Know It Yet
She Doesn’t Know It Yet By Christine Diamond Avery looks up at me with big milk chocolate eyes and asks if she can have a cookie. “Um yes, my girl, of course you can. You should have everything you want in life.” I pat the side of her juicy plump cheek and smile. She’s only 6 years old and has the world at her fingertips. She’s looking at her wide smile in her purple plastic makeup mirror. Now the chocolate from the cookie is being spread around like lipstick. She winks at herself and giggles. “Look, I have a cookie kiss!” The cookie kiss makes me think of my husband and how we playfully kiss. Well, I am with child again, preggers, pregnant. I’ve got a ‘bun in the oven’. The floodgates of mixed up knotted emotions flow out of me at random. I cannot control anything, not even myself. My body is squished from the inside. My emotions are rocked back and forth. It’s not soothing. As I witness Avery carefully place a twinkling jeweled tiara to the top of her long stra...